


Turn α into a its **binary** string representation


Probably only interesting to you if you want to understand more about the Nujel VM or care very much about performance.

(    0 ($push/val ))
(    2 ($det/val 'ret))
(    4 ($drop))
(    5 ($get/val ))
(    7 ($jf* 7))
(   10 ($push/false))
(   11 ($jmp* 4))
(   14 ($push/true))
(   15 ($dup))
(   16 ($jt* 14))
(   19 ($drop))
(   20 ($get/val ))
(   22 ($zero?))
(   23 ($dup))
(   24 ($jt* 6))
(   27 ($drop))
(   28 ($push/val #f))
(   30 ($jf* 9))
(   33 ($push/val 0))
(   35 ($ret))
(   36 ($jmp* 4))
(   39 ($push/nil))
(   40 ($drop))
(   41 ($push/nil))
(   42 ($jmp* 38))
(   45 ($drop))
(   46 ($get/val 'cat))
(   48 ($get/val 'from-char-code))
(   50 ($push/int/byte 48))
(   52 ($get/val 'bit-and))
(   54 ($get/val ))
(   56 ($push/int/byte 1))
(   58 ($apply 2))
(   60 ($add))
(   61 ($apply 1))
(   63 ($get/val 'ret))
(   65 ($apply 2))
(   67 ($set/val 'ret))
(   69 ($drop))
(   70 ($get/val 'bit-shift-right))
(   72 ($get/val ))
(   74 ($push/int/byte 1))
(   76 ($apply 2))
(   78 ($set/val ))
(   80 ($get/val 'not=))
(   82 ($push/int/byte 0))
(   84 ($get/val ))
(   86 ($apply 2))
(   88 ($jt* -43))
(   91 ($drop))
(   92 ($get/val 'ret))
(   94 ($ret))